Brighten Your Day Home Cleaning Services is proud to be an Official Partner of the Cleaning For A Reason Foundation!

As a partner with this non-profit organization, Brighten Your Day provides FREE cleaning services to women who are undergoing treatment for cancer, as well as monthly pledges to help fund the administrative costs of the foundation.  

How does it work? Requests for cleaning services are screened and qualified through the Cleaning for a Reason Call  Center. Approved requests are then passed on to Brighten Your Day, as one of the local partnering maid service companies, to initiate services.

The company receives no compensation for the work it does. It is a gift from the heart and a way of giving back to others in the community. Brighten Your Day does however; pay the house cleaners for the work performed. The donation of time and materials is a cost to the company and not a volunteer effort from its staff.

Brighten Your Day holds various fundraising events throughout the year to help support this very worthy cause. Upcoming events will be communicated under the "WHAT'S NEW " section.

If you would like to learn more about the Cleaning For A Reason Foundation please visit: